cynicalshadows wrote in daily_bsg May 08, 2010 11:45
action: i ship it, character: kara "starbuck" thrace, action: mindfuckery for the win, action: yep still bitter, action: sexytimes, action: kissy face, action: starbuck would totally pwn you, action: undressing you with his eyes, action: hbic, action: saying goodbye, action: insert subtext here, action: playing with sharp implements, action: plotting despicable deeds, action: being fierce, action: creepy cylons are creepy, action: prettier than you, character: leoben
cynicalshadows wrote in daily_bsg Mar 23, 2010 09:24
action: mindfuckery for the win, character: leoben, action: being wounded and sexy, action: creepy cylons are creepy